Verilog Operators and Operands

We will understand the various Verilog operators and operands, their types, and their applications in digital circuit design.
Verilog operators are symbols that represent computations or operations on operands. They are classified into several categories based on their functionality.

Arithmetic operators:
Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations on operands. Common arithmetic operators in Verilog such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus.

reg [3:0] result;
reg [3:0] a = 3;
reg [3:0] b = 5;
always @* begin
    result = a + b;   // Addition
    result = a - b;   // Subtraction
    result = a * b;   // Multiplication
    result = a / b;   // Division
    result = a % b;   // Modulus

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