SystemVerilog includes a string data type, which is a variable size, dynamically allocated array of bytes.
SystemVerilog also includes a number of special methods to work with strings.
Verilog supports string literals, but only at the lexical level. In Verilog, string literals behave like packed arrays of a width that is a multiple of 8 bits. A string literal assigned to a packed array of an integral variable of a different size is either truncated to the size of the variable or padded with zeroes to the left as necessary.
In SystemVerilog string literals behave the same as in Verilog However, SystemVerilog also supports the string data type to which a string literal can be assigned. When using the string data type instead of an integral variable, strings can be of arbitrary length and no truncation occurs. Literal strings are implicitly converted to the string type when assigned to a string type or used in an expression involving string type operands.
Variables of type string can be indexed from 0 to N-1 (the last element of the array), and they can take on the special value “”, which is the empty string.
The syntax to declare a string is:
string variable_name [= initial_value];
where variable_name is a valid identifier and the optional initial_value can be a string literal or the value “”
for an empty string.
Example :
string myName = "John";
If an initial value is not specified in the declaration, the variable is initialized to “”, the empty string.
SystemVerilog provides a set of operators that can be used to manipulate combinations of string variables and string literals.
A string literal can be assigned to a string or an integral type. If their size differs the literal is right justified
and either truncated on the left or zero-filled on the left, as necessary.
Example :
byte c = "A"; // assign to c "A"
bit [10:0] a = "\x41"; // assigns to a ‘b000_0100_0001
bit [1:4][7:0] h = "hello" ; // assigns to h "ello"
A string, string literal, or packed array can be assigned to a string variable. The string variable shall grow or shrink to accommodate the packed array. If the size (in bits) of the packed array is not a multiple of 8, then the packed array is zero-filled on the left.
Example :
string s1 = "hello"; // sets s1 to "hello"
bit [11:0] b = 12’ha41;
string s2 = b; // sets s2 to ’h0a41
As a second example:
reg [15:0] r;
integer i = 1;
string b = "";
string a = {"Hi", b};
r = a;
// OK
b = r;
// OK (implicit cast, implementations can issue a warning)
b = "Hi";
// OK
b = {5{"Hi"}};
// OK
a = {i{"Hi"}};
// OK (non-constant replication)
r = {i{"Hi"}};
// invalid (non-constant replication)
a = {i{b}};
// OK
a = {a,b};
// OK
a = {"Hi",b};
// OK
r = {"H",""};
// yields “H\0” “” is converted to 8’b0
b = {"H",""};
// yields “H” “” is the empty string
a[0] = "h";
// OK same as a[0] = “hi” )
function int len()
- str.len() returns the length of the string, i.e., the number of characters in the string (excluding any terminating character).
- If str is “”, then str.len() returns 0.
task putc(int i, string s)
task putc(int i, byte c)
- str.putc(i, c) replaces the ith character in str with the given integral value.
- str.putc(i, s) replaces the ith character in str with the first character in s.
- s can be any expression that can be assigned to a string.
- putc does not change the size of str: If i < 0 or i >= str.len(), then str is unchanged.
function int getc(int i)
- str.getc(i) returns the ASCII code of the ith character in str.
- If i < 0 or i >= str.len(), then str.getc(i) returns 0.
function string toupper()
- str.toupper() returns a string with characters in str converted to uppercase.
- str is unchanged.
function string tolower()
- str.tolower() returns a string with characters in str converted to lowercase.
- str is unchanged.
function int compare(string s)
- compares str and s and embedded null bytes are included.
function int icompare(string s)
- str.icompare(s) compares str and s, the comparison is case insensitive and embedded null bytes are included.
function string substr(int i, int j)
- str.substr(i, j) returns a new string that is a substring formed by characters in position i through j of str.
- If i < 0, j < i, or j >= str.len(), substr() returns ” ” (the empty string).
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